Watch Doctors William Li and Mark Hyman Discuss Flavanol Benefits

You’ve read it here, now watch world renowned functional food scientist Dr. William Li discuss how cocoa flavanols benefit stem cells and longevity with Dr. Mark Hyman, international functional medicine leader and 14X NY Times best-selling author! Click Here  to watch! Dr. Li discusses an intriguing study showing that circulating stem cells nearly doubled following… Read more »

Cocoa Flavanols May Help Prevent Strokes

Emerging research suggests that cocoa flavanols may exert protective effects against stroke. This includes the recent COSMOS study from Harvard Medical School showing a 25% reduction in the number of strokes among participants consistently consuming 500mg of cocoa flavanols, daily. The COSMOS study also showed a similar reduction in all major cardiovascular events. Stroke, a… Read more »

Dr. Peter Attia on Cocoa Flavanols and Blood Pressure

You’ve heard it from us, now hear it from renowned longevity guru, Dr. Peter Attia (author NY Times #1 best seller, Outlive)! Attia discusses non-pharmacologic blood pressure management, specifically breaking down how cocoa flavanols reduce blood pressure, with Dr. Rhonda Patrick on her award-winning FoundMyFitness podcast. Click Here to watch! Studies suggest that cocoa flavanols lower blood pressure by increasing nitric oxide production, improving… Read more »

4 COSMOS Study Outcomes Call for a Toast!

Let’s drink to a happy and healthy new year (FlavaMix smoothies, that is!). We talk a lot about performance on this blog, and living your best life, the operative word there being living. Now we have more data that strongly supports how consuming cocoa flavanols daily reduces strokes, major cardiovascular events and even death, drastically!… Read more »

FDA Flavanol Health Claim Does NOT Apply to Standard Cocoa Powder

The new FDA qualified health claim — “Cocoa Flavanols in High Flavanol Cocoa Powder May Reduce Cardiovascular Disease” — defines high flavanol cocoa powder as containing at least 4% naturally conserved cocoa flavanols. Standard cocoa powder generally contains only 1% to 1.5%.  But good news, FlavaFans! FlavaMix Performance Cocoa Powder contains nearly 8% naturally conserved cocoa flavanols, roughly… Read more »

New Study Shows Improved Mood with High Flavanol Cocoa

Great news Flava fans! A new placebo controlled study of 60 healthy, middle-aged women from Japan shows cocoa flavanols statistically increase positive mood states while reducing negative mood (e.g., depression, fatigue, and anger). This was achieved by consuming a high flavanol cocoa beverage daily, for eight weeks. The study was recently published in the journal… Read more »

5 Reasons Why Cocoa Flavanols BEAT Beets!

OK, we may be a little biased, but comparing the clinical studies, proven benefits and flavor of chocolate vs. beets, it is hard to deny cocoa flavanols BEAT beets! Why the comparison? Turns out cocoa flavanols and beetroot share a similar mechanism, both boosting nitric oxide. And nitric oxide (a.k.a. the miracle molecule) increases circulation,… Read more »

Cocoa for Everyday Heart Health Community Challenge!

We are excited to share that FlavaNaturals is collaborating with WomenHeart and the University of Pennsylvania on a real world test of cocoa flavanols and everyday heart health.  WomenHeart is the leading heart health advocacy group for Women in the country and has a team of several hundred trained, passionate WomenHeart Champion educators supporting their… Read more »

What are flavanols?

We spend lots of time in this newsletter writing about the health and performance benefits of cocoa flavanols. But what are flavanols? Flavanols, a subclass of flavonoids, are plant-based, health-supporting nutrients naturally found in green tea, blueberries, grapes, apples, and, of course, cocoa. Cocoa flavanols are a unique blend of flavanols that include single compounds… Read more »

Flavanols Support Cognition By Improving Blood Flow To Your Brain

“Memory and your ability to focus are directly tied to healthy blood flow to our brains. The science is clear,” says Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Ferid Maurad, “our brains use roughly 20% of our body’s blood supply to power key functions like memory. The better the blood flow, the better your brain health.” Several clinical… Read more »

FlavaFan Lisa Bentley, 11 time Ironman Champion, speaks to Dr. Ronald Hoffman about The Power of Positive Thinking and Flavanols!

World-class triathletes like Lisa Bentley contend with extreme fatigue, injuries and self-doubt. But few face the remarkable challenge of also overcoming cystic fibrosis, an often-fatal disease that can produce severe breathing issues. Lisa leveraged the power of positive thinking and intense determination to become one of the world’s top ironman triathletes!  Please enjoy this recording of Lisa… Read more »