Elise Compston is a registered and licensed dietitian with a background in recipe development, community nutrition, and corporate wellness. She spent several years developing menus for a Los Angeles-based meal delivery service and most recently served as the Wellness Coordinator for a local school district. She is currently a recipe developer and blogger with her husband Stephen (also a dietitian) for Straight Outta Compston Kitchen. She also recently became a FlavaNaturals Ambassador to help us spread the word about the power of cocoa flavanols.
1. What is your basic nutrition philosophy, and how does dark chocolate play a role in it?
I like to walk my talk when it comes to nutrition and advocate for, and live by, the philosophy that all foods can fit in a healthy, balanced lifestyle. I don’t subscribe to the idea of “perfect” or “clean” eating but rather that food serves as fuel for our bodies. Therefore, I strive to mostly consume whole foods rich in a variety of colors and nutrients – including cocoa powder and dark chocolate. I am a choco-fanatic and enjoy a bar of my favorite FlavaNaturals flavor every night.
2. What advice would you give to someone that’s looking to make a healthier change in their diet and lifestyle?
I recommend meeting yourself right where you are, being incredibly realistic, and starting with a specific goal that is too small to fail at. For example, rather than saying “ I want to exercise more”, try, “do one pushup each day” and work your way up as each goal becomes easy.
3. What do you like most about FlavaNaturals products?
I’m a big fan of getting the most bang for your buck when it comes to nutrition and FlavaNaturals products offer that – and then some! You can’t argue with delicious, high quality chocolate, but then to also get 5-9x the flavanols of traditional varieties is like the chocolate icing on the cake.
4. When/where do you #HavaFlava?
I #HavaFlava every night cuddled up on the couch with my favorite bar (Roasted Almond + Himalayan Pink Sea Salt).
5. Bonus: If you could only eat 3 foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Ooohh, tough question! I would probably choose sushi (pizza is a close tie), roasted veggies, and FlavaNaturals Roasted Almond + Himalayan Pink Sea Salt bars! I am currently 8 ½ months pregnant though, so if you ask me tomorrow those may all change, except the chocolate!