Flava on the Airways!

Hey FlavaFans! Hope you’re enjoying a FlavaFul summer! 

If you’re headed to the beach we’ve got you covered with easy to pack, refreshing FlavaJava/FlavaMilk, and some informative and engaging FlavaPod offerings for your listening pleasure: two recent radio interviews and a podcast on cocoa flavanols and Flavanaturals…

Intelligent Medicine Radio National Radio Broadcast with Cocoa Flavanol Expert Dr. Joseph Maroon:

Dr. Maroon is the Neurosurgeon for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Vice Chairman of the Department of Neurological Surgery at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and a world-class masters triathlete.  Click below to listen to this great interview on Intelligent Medicine Radio, hosted by Dr. Ronald Hoffman.  


Intelligent Medicine Podcast with Alan Frost, Founder FlavaNaturals:

Great discussion with host Dr. Ronald Hoffman on all things cocoa flavanols and chocolate; from the Kuna Tribe to the COSMOS study, and from the Mayans to FlavaNaturals! Click on links for Parts 1 and 2 below:

  • Health Professionals Radio Interview with Alan Frost, Founder

Alan Frost, Founder of FlavaNaturals, discusses cocoa flavanol benefits to cardiovascular health, including results from Harvard’s groundbreaking 21,400 person, 5-year controlled study of daily cocoa flavanol consumption (500mg).