You might think you need a PhD in molecular biology or biochemistry to understand how cocoa flavanols could possibly promote brain function, heart health and skin wellness. The truth is, it’s quite simple and all comes down to improved circulation.
Cocoa flavanols exert their benefits by supporting healthy blood flow and effective transport of oxygen and nutrients throughout your vast circulatory system. Did you know that, stretched end to end, arteries, veins, and other vessels of your circulatory system would measure about 60,000 miles, or approximately two and half times around the planet earth?
Flavanols specifically support circulation by helping your body maintain appropriate amounts of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide, in turn, relaxes the inner lining of your arterial walls so that arteries can better expand and contract to enhance blood flow. And better circulation of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body promotes brain, heart and skin health, better enabling you to live up to your full potential.