For real! Cocoa flavanols have been shown to lower blood sugar levels by an average of more than 10% in multiple well-designed, placebo controlled studies.
We all know that too much sugar consumption and high blood sugar are detrimental to our health. In fact, high blood sugar is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and depression. Not to mention weight gain, low energy and skin problems…
Cocoa flavanols reduce blood sugar by improving endothelial function and insulin sensitivity (i.e. helping your body use insulin more efficiently). In fact, three well controlled clinical trials showed that HOMA-IR, a measurement of insulin sensitivity, improved by more than 30% among healthy adults consuming between 500mg and 1,000 mg of cocoa flavanols daily.
Insulin sensitivity is also thought to be a contributing factor to the cognitive benefits observed with cocoa flavanols. In fact two such studies attributed 20% – 40% of demonstrated cognitive benefits to flavanol-induced improvements in insulin sensitivity.
Just one more reason to add delicious high flavanol cocoa and dark chocolate to your daily routine! As if you needed another…